Thursday 21 May 2009

Hollie-Anne Brooks dresses for the ontological argument.

I'm so tired! Aren't you? I've had such a busy day that has mainly been filled with writing around ten billion words on theories for the existance of God. I was tempted to write about my own God that is Dylan Jones but I'm guessing it wouldn't have gone down well with the philosophy department!

When it came to finishing up the essay, a mixture of time and satisfying my chorizo craving meant I didn't blog so you'll have to make do with just words once more. No visual just doesn't feel right, does it? It's getting me down but I hope all technicalities are sorted soon.

Tomorrow night is the night i've been waiting for for weeks- I'm seeing Beyonce! I will be blogging before I go. I'm so excited that I'm already getting butterflies.

I'm 90% sure I'm not spending the weekend with my love so i'm certainly going to make the most of tomorrow evening.